


In order to understand the necessity of psychometric assessments for you, first you need to understand what exactly it is and how it benefits you. These are a set of tests that can ably gauge your mental abilities and behavioural peculiarities. Through these tests, the employers may test your mental readiness for a particular job that they have in mind for you. The success of your being able to perform the work that you are affixed under any circumstances, depends on your aptitude. They reveal such cognitive abilities and personality traits in you that are seldom understood by the interview board.

After your psychometric assessments are done, the results are reviewed by your employers and the candidates for a particular position can be short-listed based on the reviews.

Different Psychometric Tests for Your Mental Assessments

Your mental abilities can be accessed through the undertaking of three types of psychometric tests:

  • Test of Aptitude
  • Test of Ability
  • Test of Personality

The test of aptitude depends on the particular jobs that you have applied for. For most positions, your aptitude is tested on the basis of four attributes:

  • Verbal ability
  • Non – verbal ability
  • Numerical ability
  • Spatial ability

Both your general and specific mental capabilities are tested with these tests, undertaken by many psychometric testing companies Kenya.

The test of ability helps the employer to understand how far you can catch an idea required for a specific job. Here, you are tested for your learning and recollecting powers. You are tested on the basis of some verbal problems as well as your numerical reasoning capacities.

Test of personality, an essential part of psychometric assessments, tests your basic personality. The test paper generally comes with a questionnaire carrying multiple – choice questions on various traits of your character. The psychological readiness of the candidate can also be gauged by tests of Emotional Quotient (EQ). This tests the emotional firmness of a person and how far the person is emotionally competent to handle situations in office.

At http://www.flexi-personnel.com/?se&de=1 you get all relevant information on psychometric assessments and tests undertaken.